Instant Cash and Check Card holders have the ATM feature
they are accustomed to and the option to use the debit
feature as an added convenience (instead of writing a
check) at the many merchants who accept the card. Take
note: Although FSFCU is on-line, many merchant accounts are not.
Therefore, an Instant Cash and Check Credit Card Processor transaction
could take several days to post on your account.
New-issue Instant Cash and Check cards will contain the word,
"Debit." This is part of a settlement resulting from a legal dispute between Wal-Mart
and VISA. Your new card will work the same as it always has, however.
Nothing else will change. If you have questions, please call the
credit union at (612) 726-9252.
Lost or stolen ATM or Instant Cash and Check Cards
should be reported to 1-800-535-8440. Please call the credit union, too, at (612) 726-9252.