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High School and College Kids!
Ask about our student VISA program. With an adult co-signer, you can have a VISA with a credit limit of $200. It's perfect for building a credit rating!"

What is a "googolplex?" It's a very large number. In fact, it's the largest named number there is. It's also the name of our new web magazine. Visit here for games and stories that will change weekly. Click Googolplex to have some fun.

Financial Services
Fort Snelling Federal Credit Union offers a set of accounts for members who are 13 to 19 years old. Our goal is to assist you in making smart financial choices and in helping you learn how to manage credit.

The Share savings account is an interest bearing account that requires a $5 minimum balance. You must have an adult co-signer if you are under 18 years old.

The Basic checking account is a no minimum, no monthly balance account that comes with a free ATM card. Members also receive the first box of checks free. You must have an adult co-signer if you are under 18 years old.

Members 16 and older can qualify for a VISA credit card. The card has a maximum balance of $200, has no annual fee, and has a 12.9 A.P.R. fixed rate. The card offers a 25-day grace period for repayment of the balance for purchases. You must have an adult co-signer if you are under 18 years old. You can submit a VISA application through our secure website.

Members 18 and older can apply for all other types of loans offered through the credit union. You can submit a merchant business loan application through our secure website. Our loan calculator will help you determine the monthly payment you can afford.

A quarterly newsletter provides information about budgeting and planning for the future. A quarterly drawing for $25 cash takes place once per quarter.

© 2002 Fort Snelling Federal Credit Union. All rights reserved. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.